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 Industrial flooring: 

- manufacturing facilities
- Food and beverage plants
- warehousing units
- Aerospace
- Car park decks
- educational sector
- governmental sector
- health care and pharmaceutical

EPOXY Industrial flooring:  

3DF has recently launched a new industrial business line beside the decorative existing one, synthetic floors with epoxy, polyurethane, and acrylic based resin floors are of the greatest importance for different applications

Epoxy Paint and coatings

The applications making use of epoxy-enhanced coatings and paints benefit a wide range of sectors. The most common are construction (including flooring), shipbuilding, water and sewage treatment as well as home appliances. By bringing new performance characteristics to the material they coat or bond, epoxies improve efficiency and technical advantages superiority. Epoxy coatings include:

  • Anti-corrosive primers

  • Primer tie coats

  • Heavy duty intermediates

  • Primer finishes

  • Abrasion-resistant coatings

  • Chemical-resistant tank linings

  • Fire-resistant coatings

  • Heat-resistant coatings (up to 230ºC)

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